Who we are?

Dear Visitor,

My name is Hughes José Gallez Vanden Abbeele,

My father is a music lover and a multi-instrumentalist so music has always played a central part in my life since I was a child. I started playing the guitar and singing at age 12 by taking classes at Rock’s Cool. At 15, I received my first drums which I started to play self-taught. This approach enabled me to sharpen my musical ear and to develop my memory, creativity and spontaneity. I consider myself an eclectic musician as I play various musical styles. ​

In 2014 I started playing the drums for Mellow Steez and together, we played many gigs. I took part in the composition and musical arrangement of several songs and in their recording in a professional studio. ​

In 2016 I started studying Funk & Jazz Drumming at “Conservatoire Balthasar Florence” of Namur. I am honored to have been taught by David Lomazzi who himself studied with Laurent Mercier, Juan Carlos Rosquete, Antoine Cirri, Marek Patrman, Bruno Castellucci, Thierry Gutmann, Pirly ZurstrassenGuy Cabay, Arnould Massart, Jean-Louis Rassinfosse, Jessica Ryckewaert, Franck Filosa, Franck Agulhon and many more fabulous teachers & musicians. David is also a graduate from “École Supérieure Nationale Dante Agostini” of Paris. Thanks to his rigorous & positive teaching, I developed a structured work ethic, I improved my technique and I could finally understand, read and interpret partitions.​

In 2019, I took classes with Stephan Pougin and Bilou Doneux.

From 2019 to 2022 I taught drums & rhythm at La Ronde Des Musiciens.

In 2022 I had an evolutionary vision to make learning rhythm and musical theory as fun and accessible as possible for everyone, everywhere and so I invented ABEL rhythm dominoes ®️. As fate would have it, Abel is also the name of my first student. Abel is now also my artist name.

One of the happiest days of my life was when I met Chad Smith, the drummer from Red Hot Chili Peppers, and was able to give him a deck of ABEL cards before he played at Rock Werchter in Belgium.

I also had the privilege of offering a deck of ABEL cards to the prodigious and talented Sarah Thawer after her concert at Whisky a Go Go in Hollywood.

In 2023 I took classes of Music Pedagogy provided by “Institut Royal Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie” & HÉNALLUX.

In 2024, I moved to Los Angeles, California and I obtained the Sabian Education Network Certificate from Joe Bergamini & Andy Zildjian.

During my professional career I had the immense chance to collaborate and play with very talented artists and bands like Escale, Mélanie Duchesne, Ziza Youssouf, Oded Kafri & many others.

I’ve also had the privilege of taking master classes with Angelo Moustapha and Bruno Castellucci and following drum clinics with Leyan Senay, Anika Nilles, Will Calhoun, Kaz Rodriguez, Benny Greb & Virgil Donati.

Currently, I am Director of Open Music School. I play in various musical projects and organize Jam Sessions with DJ Lady Eyela.

In addition I collaborate with Legendary Drummer, Producer, Music Director, Artist Development Expert & CEO of ATM productions, Alvin Taylor with whom I’m developing the ABEL rhythm dominoes ®️ mobile application.

Thanks for reading me. I wish you all the best.


Hughes José [Abel] Gallez Vanden Abbeele

Rhythm doesn’t just work on the drums. It is constantly being worked on… when you walk, at the tempo, you move like a feline.

Christian Vander