Rules of the game : MATRIX & BEAT

“In order to improve the rhythm, you will have to master its pulse subdivision [MATRIX*],which is where rhythm stands [BEAT*]. Of course, I’m referring to a rhythm that has a steady pulse, and a steady subdivision. (…) One of the fundamental approaches to achieving rhythmic synchronicity will be to memorize rhythmic cells [or rhythmic letters], and rhythmic phrases.”

Dafnis Prieto

*A (or the) MATRIX is an element which provides support or structure, and which serves to surround, reproduce or construct. (cf. Wikipedia)

*A BEAT (in music) is a rhythmic pattern, or repeated rhythm established on the pulse and its subdivision, played on a instrument. (cf. Wikipedia)

ABEL RHYTHM DOMINOES ® – Classic Deck™ was designed for those who wish to learn rhythm through play while enjoying it. The classic deck is divided into two different colors, black and white :

⚫️ The BLACK DECK represents the pulse subdivisions which are shown with rhythmic figures. Each card corresponds to a letter of the Latin alphabet (A-Z) which can be mastered easily.


The number of symbols (dashes and/or dots) on the domino tells us what the division of the pulse is :

1 : A’ or A

2 : B’ or B C D

3 : E’ or E F G H I J K

4 : L’ or L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The dashes mean rests (or ghost notes to challenge the advanced gamers) , this is (the) MATRIX.

The dots mean the rhythm that must be played with the instrument of your choice, this is (the) BEAT.

It is important to first work on the dominoes with only dashes A’B’E’L’ (MATRIX) counting them out loud in order correctly to be comfortable when you have to play (poly)rhythm ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (BEAT)

✅ Tempo : 40/60/80/100/120 bpm ✅ Each domino is played 4 times

⚪️ The WHITE DECK represents any rhythmic figures translated into CLASSIC MUSICAL NOTATION :

You will find these rhythmic figures in all musical scores. Each white card has letter(s) to allow the player(s) to quickly associate with the correct ABEL domino(es).

The game is based on a time signature in x/4. That is to say that the reference value is the quarter note/rest but each measure can have the desired number of pulses. A few examples: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, … 

So 1 pulse = (value of) 1 quarter note/ 1 quarter rest

ABEL RHYTHM DOMINOES ® cards game can be played alone BUT it’s even more fun together !

However you will always need one friend to play it : the METRONOME.

After defining a time signature (the most used in popular music is 4/4) and a tempo (for example : 60 BPM or 100 BPM), play the correct rhythm corresponding to the right card on the right time.

Create your own measure(s) using one or more cards (black cards/white cards or both) then set the tempo on the metronome and you’re good to go ! When you’re playing with friends, set several measures to play simultaneously. You can also ask your friend to swap cards during the game. To play rhythm, you can use your hands, body clapping, claves, drums, any percussion instrument or other music instrument like guitar or piano for example. We just have to wish you maximum pleasure while learning with ABEL and please never forget :

We’re not playing to win, we’re playing to play. And ultimately, playing is fun. Perfectionism gets in the way of fun. A more skillful goal might be to find comfort in the process. To make and put out successive works with ease.

Frederick Jay Rubin

Examples of rules :

  1. Call-and-response: One player performs one or more cards, the other one echo him back.
  2. Improvisation: Choose or draw cards at random, combining them however you choose. An instructor can facilitate students improvise as a whole class, in pairs, or in other configurations.
  3. Rhythmic Dictation: An instructor can perform some of the rhythms, then have the students identify which cells were performed in what order (e.g., cards D, M, A, and I). This is a way to encourage students to listen for the big picture and develop rhythmic dictation skills without worrying about the notation component of it. After students get comfortable with the activity, they can perform short dictations for their classmates.
  4. Performance Loops: The instructor (or a student) can point to or call out rhythms for the rest of the class to perform in a loop.

Help yourself with this tutorial, with the scale of values and all available resources (videos, photos and PDF documents) found on this site and our various social networks. If digital technology has considerably changed the world of learning with its numerous freely accessible video content on YouTube, we now know that nothing replaces the teaching of a teacher who can offer quality educational monitoring over the long term. If you’re having trouble, find a local rhythm teacher or music school near you who can help you use the free ABEL method.

The Benefits of ABEL Rhythm Dominoes :

  • Improves rhythm and timing: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes is a great way to improve your rhythm and timing. The game requires players to listen carefully to the beat and match their dominoes accordingly. This can help to improve your overall coordination and musicality.
  • Develops cognitive skills: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes is a challenging game that requires players to use their problem-solving skills, memory, and attention. The game can help to improve your cognitive abilities and keep your mind sharp.
  • Encourages creativity: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes is a versatile game that can be played in many different ways. Players are encouraged to be creative and come up with their own strategies. This can help to boost your creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Is a fun and social activity: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes is a great way to have fun with friends and family. The game is easy to learn but challenging to master, making it perfect for players of all ages and skill levels.
  • Promotes active listening: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes requires players to listen carefully to the beat and match their dominoes accordingly. This can help to improve your listening skills and focus.
  • Can be played anywhere: ABEL Rhythm Dominoes is a portable game that can be played anywhere. This makes it a great option for travel or parties.

ℹ️ If you represent a music school, send us a message for preferential prices and customized orders.

Coming soon🆕

ABEL Rhythm Dominoes ®Ghost Notes™ Edition

The possibilities offered by ABEL are endless, so if you want to go further and apply ABEL to the drums to work on a multitude of concepts, we invite you to work “Language Of Drumming” by simply replacing the letters from Benny Greb’s Rhythmic Alphabet with the letters corresponding to Abel’s Rhythmic Alphabet.

Here is an example :

“Any sound, if it’s in time, has some value.”

– Benny Greb

To go further in the pulse subdivision, here is a scale of values ​​which divides the quarter note up to 9 :


ABEL rhythm dominoes ®️ is officially protected by European Union Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO